Global Retail Projects
Global Retail Projects
Building and refurbishment: Stores
We work together with a wide network of architects, engineers and artisans always ensuring the highest satisfaction of our clients.
Thanks to our full turnkey construction solutions we give our customers comprehensive design and execution of the projects always accurate to the original concept and respecting customer’s identity. We are able to carry out any project in retail accomplishing special requirements and deadlines thanks to our high qualified team and with just a few settled processes. We offer an excellence tailor-made service taking
care of each detail in local and international projects. We guarantee due dates, high quality and full control during the execution of the project. We deal with legal administrative processes as well as with all permissions and licenses.
Our building engineers and coordination teams guarantee, until the launch, the proper operation of electrical installations, air conditioning, fire protection, security systems and perfect execution of locksmiths, plumbing, clean works and also bricklaying, carpentry, gypsum coating, furniture, etc. We currently work in Spain and France because of our bicultural background that makes possible a great communication with our customers. We also work in other European cities in Switzerland, Belgic, Italy, Portugal, Germany, England and many others.

We offer solutions for every step of the project as well as creative and sophisticated proposals with the latest techniques, fine materials and state of the art installations. We supervise and control all the process from the design of furniture prototypes to the execution of tailor made solutions for the retail sector including all exclusive ones for the luxury market.
Job security
ArtReTail has zero tolerance with the unfullfilment of job security regulations that’s why we fulfil local and European Union job security regulations in every case. Welfare and security at work is one our main concerns.
We carefully choose authorized collaborators for each work with all the certifications and licenses required by each country where we work to ensure a high quality service during the works in no matter which European country.ArtReTail will take daily care of both aesthetic and technical side of the projects during all the execution process.
We work ensuring the respect of eco-architecture and eco-sustainable building. That is the reason why we embrace energetic efficiency programs in all our works as well as official certifications for new constructions. That’s how we create sustainable high quality spaces that offer low environmental impact solutions based on energetic efficiency.